We have more discipleship material, better produced—and better communicated than ever, and discipleship is still failing in America.

Yet America's discipleship and leadership development discussion focuses on either better, more interesting content or on the size of the group through which it is delivered (the trending focus is micro-groups).

The solution is simpler than that.

The key to improving discipleship and leadership development is an effective learning process that helps participants take knowledge, turn it into long-term memory, and into something that is practically lived out in their lives.

5Minutes2Lead™ can train your organization in that process to greatly increase the life change occurring through your discipleship and leadership training efforts.

“Ross has taken revelations from corporate training and neuroscience and applied them to discipleship and leadership training in a way that can be easily learned by leaders engaged in designing and facilitating training within the church.  These truths about how people are designed by God to best learn, when combined with scriptural truth, will have breakthrough impact on people's lives and the success of the church.”

– Joe Simonet, Ph.D., Over thirty years of experience in leadership development with some of the most successful corporations in the world. 

Why We Need to Grow in Learning Transfer